This is a testament to something I always tell kids and adults alike. Always at night, keep your curtains closed! You don't want people keeping track of what you are doing at night! It can only lead to trouble!!!
This applies to you rich buggers living in your hilltop homes with mostly glass outer walls as well! You never know who could be watching you and ready to bring trouble to your door!! So invest in some curtains!
+1 Star for the Lead being Hawt!
-1 Star for Just not being impressive at all
I was trying to put togehter something good to say about this movie at the end but really I had this 'Meh' feeling that I just couldnt shake. So all in all a pretty average Thriller.....
This applies to you rich buggers living in your hilltop homes with mostly glass outer walls as well! You never know who could be watching you and ready to bring trouble to your door!! So invest in some curtains!
+1 Star for the Lead being Hawt!
-1 Star for Just not being impressive at all
I was trying to put togehter something good to say about this movie at the end but really I had this 'Meh' feeling that I just couldnt shake. So all in all a pretty average Thriller.....