I don't understand the reviews. It's not meant to be a shock who committed the crime, it's basically written in the title of the film. The interest is sparked in the story. It's interesting because these are subtle villains. They are scarier than ghosts or even random attacks bc people can appear nice on the surface or perfect on the surface and you would never know. As they say, most murders are committed by someone you know. The main actress has the parents and fiancé fooled with her perfect country bell appearance, whereas others seem to see through the fake persona but they likely all suspect she's just a bit of a mean girl not a murderer. The sister becca plays the character really well. As siblings are a little more inclined to question who their brother is marrying. These subtle bad guys are more intriguing than the typical unrealistic or random villains. So yeah this movie isn't going to make you go wow I wonder who the bad guy is, but it does have a little twist. Which I liked. However even without it, it would have still been a good film to watch. I enjoyed this film. But I like thrillers and lifetime movies.