Unite 42 is a Belgian production. The detective team is of a cyber-crime flavor and the "42" in the title is in reference to "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
You never know when you start a series if you'll like it or not. I've recently turned off some shows after a few minutes, but this one caught my interest and I ended up enjoying it.
I always watch international productions like this in the original audio with subtitles. Subtitles don't bother me at all. I understand some people hate them.
Once again we have a single parent detective (in this case, its a dude) as the main character. The kids are not quite as annoying as they are in some other series (I'm looking at you, Deadwind). I thought this actor was very good.
Another major character is the female tech wizard and she is truly the epitome of annoying.
But overall, I really got to enjoy the characters. The plots -- well, they were sort of silly and so much just magically happens without the characters doing much if any real police work that you have to chuckle. One basically needs to suspend disbelief.
Also... if you are technically inclined, you'll find yourself rolling your eyes quite a bit. The writers do try but... much of just too far-fetched to believe.
This reminds me a bit of a French show called "The Detectives" -- its sort of semi-comedic cop show and very different from the heavy, depressing Scandinavian shows and the angst-ridden Brit series.
There was thing about this production that I really liked and thought kind of unique: there are these shots where the victims, while still alive, look right at the camera. They only last a few seconds but.. they are incredibly poignant. It's like a reminder that while this ia a procedural, that somewhere back in the distance the story is about a person whose life ended. I found it just heartwrenching.
So... this is okay. I'm glad I watched it and was sad when I realized I'd just finished the last episode. I find myself hoping there will be more.
You never know when you start a series if you'll like it or not. I've recently turned off some shows after a few minutes, but this one caught my interest and I ended up enjoying it.
I always watch international productions like this in the original audio with subtitles. Subtitles don't bother me at all. I understand some people hate them.
Once again we have a single parent detective (in this case, its a dude) as the main character. The kids are not quite as annoying as they are in some other series (I'm looking at you, Deadwind). I thought this actor was very good.
Another major character is the female tech wizard and she is truly the epitome of annoying.
But overall, I really got to enjoy the characters. The plots -- well, they were sort of silly and so much just magically happens without the characters doing much if any real police work that you have to chuckle. One basically needs to suspend disbelief.
Also... if you are technically inclined, you'll find yourself rolling your eyes quite a bit. The writers do try but... much of just too far-fetched to believe.
This reminds me a bit of a French show called "The Detectives" -- its sort of semi-comedic cop show and very different from the heavy, depressing Scandinavian shows and the angst-ridden Brit series.
There was thing about this production that I really liked and thought kind of unique: there are these shots where the victims, while still alive, look right at the camera. They only last a few seconds but.. they are incredibly poignant. It's like a reminder that while this ia a procedural, that somewhere back in the distance the story is about a person whose life ended. I found it just heartwrenching.
So... this is okay. I'm glad I watched it and was sad when I realized I'd just finished the last episode. I find myself hoping there will be more.