The Flash (2014–2023)
Please make this show about The Flash again
3 November 2020
I'm a big fan of superhero shows, I even like the ones that most people don't, but The Flash is definitely one of the better ones but it's been getting worse and worse lately because The Flash is barely in it anymore! Like a lot of these reviews have already pointed out...the show has been more focused on Iris lately and I think everyone agreed that that is a huge mistake! Ever since the Crisis Crossover they've put her as pretty much a co-lead and every episode has been among the lowest rated in the series history because of it. Go back to making this show about The Flash because when you did it was great. I absolutely don't mind women as leads in action shows but the CW is getting ridiculous. This is even coming from a liberal who's all about equality but EVERY CW show now has a woman as it's lead now (Supergirl, Catwoman, Stargirl, Legends of Tomorrow and now even The Flash and Black Lightening are all about girl power. They even have a Kung-Fu remake coming and they changed the lead to a woman in that too. I mean WTF? Every woman is portrayed as smart and tough while the men are stupid and weak. Most of them like Laurel Lance & Catwoman look so ridiculous in their fight scenes. It doesn't look like their kicks would hurt a 3-year old but a grown man goes flying or knocked out from a hit that again, wouldn't hurt a child. Again, having women as leads is great but now every show has the women as a bad a** and the men as weak and incompetent.
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