Utopia Falls (2020)
Utopia Falls: how Hollywood social progressives dream of the future
22 December 2020
"Utopia Falls" (S01, 10 eps, 45min, Hulu) is a social progressives' fever dream where a non-tech society of teens (it seems) serve the matriarchal, non-euro-descendant State ("For State, for community, for all!"), a fantasy world of non-violence (no weapons), and singing, dancing galore. Any hopes I had of Joseph Mallozzi's "Stargate" pedigree were dashed for a gross derivative of Hunger Games, American Idol, Step Up, etc. It's a waste of ACTING talent and resources to have made such a travesty, a self-serving paean to a pathetic political ideology. All those "10" ratings you see, studio sycophants uttering vapid obsequities.
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