Mobeomhyungsa (2020–2022)
One of the Best Surprise Dramas Ever! I loved it!!! Thank You Korea & Netflix
6 January 2021
Simply stated, this is one of the best police dramas I have ever seen - regardless of its language. I am a 54 year old high school language teacher. I have plenty of experience with daytime soaps and prime time programming here in the United States. We don't leave the house. However, I still feel as if I've traveled to Korea. This was an incredible way of spending our Covid lockdown and I state sincerely that I have enjoyed each and every single one of the 16 episodes - compare it to Hill Street Blues - Korean Style.

"The Good Detective" was very well directed, very well scripted and very well-acted. There was an incredible tension between the protagonists and the villains!!! I cared about the people and I would scream out loud so often that my family forced me to watch in my bedroom.

So many of the episodes ran me through an emotional gamut - the acting/direction was top notch. The plot twists and engaging characters drew me in and kept me watching. I would say that I liked this even more than "El gran hotel" - which, if you have seen it, is very high praise. (I've watched "Gran Hotel" more times that I will admit - I teach languages :) )

I hope for a second season. Nevertheless, this season was perfect. You never want to say good-bye to friends. And, if this is all we get from these characters, I understand. At least I can watch it over and over again on Netflix when I need to see them again.
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