Nobunaga Concerto (II) (2014– )
Far better than the anime-adaptation.
9 January 2021
I find it surprising how this isn't more popular. This dramatization of the ongoing Nobunaga Concerto manga is amazing. The anime falls flat, with the only interesting character being the lead, and way more comedy. The anime adaptation is certainly more fast-paced with unique animation, great voice acting and music, and hilarious comedy and a great protagonist. However the dramatization- which I saw first- increases the runtime of the episodes, with a bunch of rewrites that seemed like they'd be present in the manga (Can't fully confirm if they are or not, as I've only seen the anime adaptation, and not read the manga) but that were actually drama-original. The characters are more three-dimensional, act as they probably would in real life, and it has a lot of emotional moments. What might bring the series down is that the music is very repetitive, it feels like it plays only one song throughout the entire series- though it IS a good song.

I recommend this to people who both have and haven't read the manga or watched the anime.
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