Two for the Win (2021 TV Movie)
Nicely done.
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent acting, good script and perfect casting. I loved the girl. She had the beauty queen look, which I usually don't like, but her personality and acting rose above it. Trevor Donovan is not usually a fave but as a jock he is perfectly cast. Hallmark went out of their box with the big smooch a little over half way through instead of the last minute. They declared their love for each other with 45 minutes to go. There was no misunderstanding to be cleared up in the 4th act. The girl was up front about pursuing her dream and leaving him and he was supportive. It all worked out, of course with her doing that and a happy love-ending. Well done Hallmark. Please keep listening to your loyal viewers by continuing to break out of the tired formula. Also great ski scenes and scenery.
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