Shookum Hills (2021)
Goes from eerie and interesting to what the hell!
15 March 2021
'The Devil Below' is also known as 'Shookum Hills'. Like many other horror films, this one starts off interesting and mysterious, and then plummets to all too familiar, cliched ground.

The sub-standard visual effects makes it hard to believe 'The Devil Below' was made in 2021. Even some 80's films incorporating demons or devils have better monster effects. The film's first half was eerie and ominous, but I must admit I never really cared about any of the stereotypical characters. Alicia Sanz tried so hard to act all macho as the film's heroin Arianne, but I didn't really buy it. And as for Schuttmann (Will Patton) who saves the day, this character was only there when he was needed. He didn't really contribute much to the film, despite him harboring a grudge against the creatures.

The film gave me a sense of 'Silent Hill' vs 'The Descent', only not nearly as good as any of these. The last few minutes are also too weird, and badly photographed.

Would I watch it again? No.
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