I saw it at Sofia Film Fest...
15 March 2021
... it's an enjoyable comedy of three parts with a great character arc. It lost its pace at some point after Part I but it turned out to be unpredictable from that point on. I was thinking - oh, I know, now it will happen this, then that but it didn't, it surprised me and it was a mixture of moods. Would it have been a better movie if it was more simple? Yes, I guess... It could have been a box-office little wonder but I believe it had different ambitions. I haven't seen the short film of the same director Baris Sarhan this movie is based on but the fact he made a full-length picture means a lot.

I'd like to add that the lead actress Nesrin Cavadzade is simply outstanding. We are about to see her rising and successful international career!
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