Review of Volcano

Volcano (1997)
It shud have been named Lava/Magma, wreaking havoc inside n outside the gutter.
31 March 2021
I first saw this with my friends in Regal theater, South Mumbai in 1997.

Those times there were no trailers or YouTube or any reviews. Enjoyed it a bit then but aft revisiting it, i found it to b lame.

The film doesnt have any tension or suspense. It has the same lava stuff going on again n again. The best part is, the film's name is Volcano but we dont get to see any mountain bursting. At times, the lava looked too fake. Even the plan and the strategy to contain/pool the lava and later divert the lava's direction is a big lol.

Anne Heche's character is a scientist but the character does stupid stuff.

The only good thing is the way Stan Olber (John Carroll Lynch) saves the driver. The jumping into the lava flow n throwing the driver to safety is epic.
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