Review of Outbreak

Outbreak (I) (2020)
Cast members, unite! Al is in trouble!
24 April 2021
There's no need to be Sherlock Holmes to smell the foul stench of rotten fish here. Something is fishy, to say the least. I don't wanna point fingers, and I can't be sure that this is Alex Magaña's doing. Is this the entirity of his circle of acquaintances, represented here to push this title (along with several other works by the "artist") to a higher score? I can only guess. But it's a bit suspicious that the reviewers only voiced their opinions and scored at Alex's films. If you're such an unprincipled, pathetic figure, then at least try to falsify reality more discreetly. It's hard to belive that you are this desperate.

As for the potential viewers: if you wanna see poorly acted, unimaginative and cheap 10 sec clips played one after the other, this is your short movie. The idea is mediocre, the workmanship is below average, and the screaming zombie UFOs are ridiculous at best. The movie claims that there is an outbreak here. Make no mistake: some screaming idiots run into the camera, and that's about it. This is what we see every single time, over and over again. Despite the pseudo-documentary style, one cannot believe for a moment that what you witness has actually happened or can happen. So aliens using glitch voice ree-ing people to destroy humanity... right. I'm having serious Plan 9 from Outer Space flasbacks here. The serving is terribly amateurish. This is the standard that a team of high school students can hit if they dedicate themselves to filming one afternoon. Alex Magaña can't break away from mobile phones, he sees such an inexhaustible opportunity to make trash horror movies cheaply and with minimal energy investment, and he simply cannot resist it. He just pours out short films that drown in mediocrity even in the most ideal cases. At this point, the absence of talent and idea is so blatantly clear that it's embarrassing to me, even though I'm just watching. You have no artistic vision. You have connected yourself to one of the most commercial, most worthless version of horror that exists, you work with it, but even that product is shoddy quality. And now, the goon squad has came to town, spitting out 10/10 ratings to save you from the shame. Except they making this whole situation even more shameful...
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