The movie follows with a detective who is about to join work after long break and a girl who suddenly went missing in a stormy night. In order to join force again, the detective is told to handle the case of girl disappearance which is already referred as suicide case. While investigating the case,the detective came across island,and started getting important clues and getting accustomed to her family background and criminal activities. Moreover,the police already had installed several cameras to keep an eye on her. The detective started feeling pity and at the same time can relate with her. Finally, she started assuming the reason of her suicide as her body wasn't found yet.
I find this movie very annoying. It was slow, not tensed, not that much emotion grabbing . I feel like watching some kind of documentary. This movie is full of taking statements. It even didn't focus on character building. Plain story, watched same types of movies many times, they were at least better than this. Okay,this movie tried to give a surprising ending! But sadly it was really predictable.
I find this movie very annoying. It was slow, not tensed, not that much emotion grabbing . I feel like watching some kind of documentary. This movie is full of taking statements. It even didn't focus on character building. Plain story, watched same types of movies many times, they were at least better than this. Okay,this movie tried to give a surprising ending! But sadly it was really predictable.