A genial coming of age indie with an impressive Apoorva Bose.
21 April 2021
Across The Ocean (2019) by Uma Kumarapuram and Nicole Donadio. An intercutting dual-narrative dramedy about two dreamers, made by two seeming dreamers making their directorial debut -sitting around nine thousand odd miles apart across two continents in their respective home countries- in India and the USA.

A genial coming of age indie with a dual storyline centered on two women, from India and the USA respectively, told in a mutually exclusive approach. From Kerala, we have Nila, who's obsessed with her fascination for relocating herself to the USA. And from America, we have Holly, who's constantly intrigued about India. Both of them works in the IT sector and both of them have their own kind of cultural and personal odds to fight before realizing their respective destinations.

It may have not broken any new grounds in terms of storytelling and yet it makes for a pleasant laid-back watch, especially for how the two protagonists are fleshed out with moments that you can identify from the lives around us. And it hardly meanders in its proceedings with an aptly clocked eighty minutes running time as well, while juxtaposing the contrasting scuffles of Nila and Holly. In the acting department, after her noteworthy presence in 'Hey Jude' (Malayalam), it's Apoorva Bose who impresses you the most here and shows yet again that she's a true natural -- while making the happy go lucky Nila so relatable.
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