Better Than I Initially Expected
4 July 2021
This film essentially begins in Paris with the discovery that two top European rocket scientists have gone missing with all of the available intelligence pointing to the Egyptians being behind it all. That said, the Israelis have sent several special agents to investigate with one particular man by the name of "Shaimoun" (Gil Delamare) leading them all. However, since the abductions have occurred in Paris the French insist on taking charge of this extremely sensitive case and for that reason they appoint "Agent 077 Francis Coplan" (Richard Wyler) to take charge. Naturally, the Israelis welcome any help the French government can provide and agree wholeheartedly. But what neither Shaimoun nor Coplan can imagine is just how sinister their opponents actually are and how many millions of lives will be lost if the two of them fail in their mission. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this turned out to be a better Eurospy film than I initially expected. Granted it didn't quite have the same expensive budgets of any of the James Bond films made during this particular time but it still managed to pass the time fairly well and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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