First off this movie focused on using trannies for the main characters which is not something you see often but I'm glad they did because not only did they rock every scene they did but it's also awesome to see members of the trans community star in a movie that's isn't a documentary about gender, they're just in a regular movie having fun and I love to see it. It made the movie different and honestly I'd love to see more horror movies with a similar casting style. Now for the movie itself it had this vintage visual effect which a lot of us love because it reminds us about old horror movies we watched as kids. The humour and writing also seemed to have leaned on this vintage look because they even had jokes about losing footage and some loveable raunchy humour that fit the characters perfectly. Something else I really loved about this movie was the credits; normally with horror movies the credits have some kick-ass music to go with them but what they did was way better. Along with good music you get to see all the people who worked on the movie rock the runway for their victory lap, having fun like collage friends. It's always charming to see that the people behind the scenes put their hearts and their laughs into a project they loved doing together. Now not to be a downer but this movie does talk about rape which is something I know a lot of people don't like seeing in movies (me included), but I strongly believe that it is something that does need to be shown/mentioned in order to boost awareness.