Nail-biting and violent thriller in which Charles Bronson goes after a kinky serial murderer
14 August 2021
This time Bronson is a police officer -helped by his rookie colleague (Andrew Stevens)- who are on the trail of a young man who is murdering young girls . Then the psychotic killer stalks his daughter (Lisa Eilbacher) and Dad's gonna stop him at any cost .. Back in town... with a vengeance! Bronson ...is in town. A cop... A killer... A deadline! Forget what's legal. Do what's right . . .BRONSON is back on the streets! .BRONSON...is in town.

Bronson is back on the streets in an intriguing and suspenseful action movie with the usual elements, adding some really nasty scenes . Vigilante Bronson is on the prowl in this new outing containing suspense , noisy action-packed , twisted intrigue and lots of violence. Here Charles Bronson as a LAPD detective meets the Slasher , in which the old Death Wish himself goes up against a heinous series murderer in Friday the 13th style . This is a creepy , scary and frightening film with a peculiar type killer who causes really astonishing murders . It's all rather disgusting , disagreeable , violent and unsettling . Being adequately rated R for nudity , sex , profanity and violence . Charles Bronson with his usual stoic acting displays his ordinary tics and landmarks , though he looks some bored and tired , at times . He's well accompanied by Lisa Eilbacher as his beautiful daughter , Andrew Stevens as an upright , honorable Police sub-inspector and Gene Davis giving an extremely hateful and nefarious role as psychopathic , ominous criminal . Along with a good support cast , such as : Geoffrey Lewis , Wilford Brimley , Robert F. Lyons , and brief aapearances from Ola Ray of Thriller video , and the recently deceased Kelly Preston who married John Travolta.

The motion picture was professionally directed by J. Lee Thomson , though it has some disappointing scenes , failures , flaws and gaps . He previously had a nice track record in the English cinema from 1950 until 1961 , directing good Western ( McKenna's gold , White Buffalo) and all king genres as Sci-Fi (Conquest and Battle of planet of apes), terror (Reincarnation of Peter Proud, Eye of the devil), adventures (Flame over India ,Kings of the sun, Taras Bulba , Tiger Bay) and Warlike ( Guns of Navarone, Von Braun , Chairman , The passage). His two biggest successes turned out to be ¨Guns of Navarone¨and ¨Cape Fear¨. Thereafter , the filmmaker's career subsided in a morass of slickly realized but middling films. He moved into the field of international spectaculars , at which point his filmmaking seemed to lose its individuality . J. Lee Thomson working from the 50s in England, finished his career making Chuck Norris (Firewalker) and Charles Bronson vehicles (Caboblanco, Evil that men do, Messenger of death, Death Wish 4 : Crackdown, Caboblanco, St Ives). Rating : 6/10, acceptable and passable , it will appeal to Charlrs Bronson fans.
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