I watched this on Amazon Prime under the title of "All About Sex." I think that both titles are an unfortunate choice to better promote and reflect this friendship dramedy. The three lead characters are generally very likable people who you want to care about and understand. Each does a good job with the role. There are enough good scenes to hold your interest and make you watch. The script however, was not as commendable as the acting. I was quite disappointed in the how the script kept the characters from finding and nurturing a truly rewarding and genuine romance, mostly due to the lack of opportunities depicted in an urban setting. Not that it isn't believable that young women can often find it challenging to find a satisfying and loving romance, but the script doesn't offer many worthwhile suitors to begin with. Girls that attractive usually encounter attention from more potential love interests than we see in the film. This movie gives you the impression that while it takes place in a city, there just aren't that many people around to talk with. That said, the really hard to believe story line was between Morgan and Lowick. The character of Lowick comes across as just too nice, sensitive, caring and open-minded to have the reaction he displays when Morgan reveals her secret. Either he suffers from dual personality disorder or you have a very irreconcilable contradiction on your hands trying to believe that he is really that hurt over the her revelation. I'm sorry, but it's just not the reaction most guys would have, let alone a guy initially made out to be that nice. To Emma Decker's credit, she does an excellent job in the earlier part of the film making her character's dilemma believable and relatable. Unfortunately, a few too many moments in the script seem to purposefully keep our trio from getting too far in developing their life potential, and film wise, from allowing the movie to better develop its potential. No, not all scripts need to end happily ever after, but I think this script could have allowed us a more endearing growth in the life of its characters. A good start would have been to stop trying to act out so many cliches in the supporting scenes, especially at the coffee shop. Overall, there are enough good things about the film to mildly recommend it. Unavoidably though, its just one of those movies that leaves you with too many things to critique rather than enjoy. Ultimately, you end up getting attached enough to characters to really want the movie (script) to have been better.