YET ANOTHER GREAT SERIES Netflix decided to Chuck in the Crapper! :(
11 September 2021
WhY??????? :O What is Wrong with YOU PEOPLE???? SERIOUSLY????

They constantly cancel the series that are well acted and interesting in their 1st or 2nd season. And we Had Kardashians, Duggars, Bachelorettes and Bachelors Out the WaZOO! YUCK!

If I wanna watch Fiction, I prefer a show Like this and this young actress is Bloody Amazing!!

So sick of GREEDY, FAKE LIARS getting rich and these wonderful young actors getting fired when a series is dropped that had great potential to entertain us and teach us better manners and kindness. Compared to UgHHH Reality??? LOL TV TRASH!

No wonder the World Sucks So Much and Keeps Sucking More these Past 20 years! Thanks for NOTHING ! NOThING GOOD anyway! ANd Just so you know, I TOO Am NOT ok With This!! :O.
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