BIG DISAPPOINTMENT compared to the first film!!
28 October 2021
I very much liked the 1st film. It had a really cool/likable lead female protagonist as well as having several very likable characters. It was genuinely sad when some of them died. The 1st film also had some good gore/blood & good cinematography.

This sequel COMPLETELY ruins the 1st film's female protagonist and makes the villain(s) from the 1st film barely background noise. Yes, this sequel has good gore/blood and the cinematography is once again pretty good but the storyline is a bit of a middle finger to those who (like me) liked the first film.

This sequel also has NO characters that are actually likable/sympathetic. I thought the lead young cop character "Adas" would be that likable character that i would root for but he was mostly whiny for much of the movie (i admit still have about 20 minutes left to the film).

I definitely recommend the first film but i do not recommend this sequel.
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