The Best Film of 2021. Period.
15 November 2021
What the headline said.

I've always loved Cody's films. I've seen all of them to date (I even starred in one of them)! But this is objectively his best work yet, and one of my favorite films not just of 2021, but of all time.

You might think because I worked on a film of his that I have some sort of bias towards him, but I really don't. If I didn't love the film, I just wouldn't say anything at all, but I certainly would never lie about a film being good if it wasn't. So if you think I'm biased, I'm not.

What makes RAMEKINS: RAMEKIN II so great is... well, a lot of things. But I'll list the top three:

1.) The Rewatch Factor: it's through the roof here. Even though I like most of what Cody has made up this point, some films, as good as they may be, don't necessarily warrant a rewatch. But this film CERTAINLY does. It's one of those mindf#ck storylines where you feel the need to go back and see what you missed now that you know where things are going. This doesn't always work in films because sometimes it just turns into a messy, confusing plot that no one except the writer could understand, but Cody took great care to leave the answers within the film, so if you really want to decode everything you see (and trust me, you will), you can! I also have a feeling it'll turn into one of those experiences where every time you watch it you catch more and more things. It's fantastic.

2.) The Laugh Factor & Acting: this movie is laugh out loud funny at times, in the best way possible. The comedy is sprinkled so perfectly throughout, and the acting is nothing short of brilliant. The delivery on the lines are such a delight (Jack Gordon who plays Troy especially shines here. His character was such a pleasure to watch. In fact Cody, if you're reading this, feel free to make a movie just about Troy. I could literally watch him for hours). The rest of the cast is wonderful as well. There literally is not one bad actor or poor line delivery in the entire 93 minutes. It's exceptional.

3.) The Perfect Sequel: Cody is apparently a master at making sequels, because RAMEKINS is even better than the first film, but it is careful to not take anything away from it's predecessor. It doesn't overwrite the first film or remove it from it's throne. In fact, after watching RAMEKIN II, you'll want to go back and watch the first RAMEKIN again! It improves upon the first film while simultaneously making the first film a better watch as well. The craftsmanship it took to achieve this must be insane. Hats off to you, Cody!

There's plenty more to rave about when it comes to this film, but I would never want to spoil the experience for anyone who intends to watch (which you absolutely SHOULD). Just please go watch this film. You'll be so happy you did, and you'll thank me later for recommending it, and Cody for making it.


(My rating scale for anyone interested:

*BASICS: Did the film have a clear identity? --> 2.5/2.5 Did the director's style shine through? --> 2.5/2.5 Did it keep me entertained? --> 2.5/2.5 TOTAL: 7.5/7.5

*BONUS POINTS: Great rewatch factor --> +1.5 Perfect comedic placement and delivery --> +0.5 Perfect sequel --> +0.5 TOTAL: +2.5



7.5 + 2.5 - 0 = 10/10)
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