Review of WarHunt

WarHunt (2022)
Oh, I understand the need for money, but come on, Mickey...
25 January 2022
Google WW2 soldiers, NCOs, and officers and let me know if you see somebody with hair down to their shoulders like Micky Rourke's spouting. In fact, Google ANY photos from the WW2 years and let me know if you see ANYBODY who looks like they're from 2022. I'm waiting.

American soldiers are calling German soldiers, "Limeys," for God's sake. A Limey is a Brit soldier--from the 1850's--they got the slang because they ate limes to prevent scurvy WAY back when.

Enlisted men calling their Sergeant, "Sir?" Vietnam era flashlights? Velcro?

I can forgive a lot but when you don't put a nickel into the budget for a military advisor, I'm not giving your idiotic movie more than half an hour.
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