I've been waiting this for a while, especially since Fellowes mentioned it, I knew the premise could deliver a good show, and so it is. I'm giving it a 7* for the time being for I know it could be an 8 but I will reserve judgement until the end of the season.
Plus, all Fellowes' dramas are slow burners, even Downton Abbey was a bit much at first, there were dozens of characters presented at once, nothing made much sense until episode 3 so I knew what to expect on that regard but I want to make a defense, should that be the word, of this series. Aside of minor mistakes, façades not being the right stone, streets missing small details, the show presents the age rightly, especially one that was written a lot about, and mostly from a women's feud views. The men offer the backside of this, they didn't care about their wives' issues, they make business in between each other and let them manage the social side of their lives.
The show is heavily inspired from Alva Vanderbilt's takedown on Old New York, her bid on becoming socially acceptable agains Mrs Astor's 400, the Knickerbockers. Old ways vs the new way, Americans, especially Newyorkers, finding their footing in the new order where the US was beginning to be a power in its own right, and so, then, of course, the Buccaners, the most famous 3: Minnie Stevens, Jennie Jerome, and Consuelo Vanderbilt, the first 2 ones ran away from NY due to the lack of acceptance their families had, Alva was of a sterner material, first she won at home, and then she placed Consuelo as a duchess in England. Shortly after she divorced her husband, marry the love of her life, and then became an activism for women rights, vote, etc. What a woman, ha!
I also disagree with those who refer to this as woke, luckily is not, Fellowes loves to introduce these "downstairs" stories, and it is going to be one of the lines to go, so I like that, he is also usually thorough when it comes to details, I mean, don't expect seeing Peggy marrying a Vanderbilt or an Astor, he does not play with history on that regard but there will some surprise there for sure.
I hope this one follows its course, it could run for 4 season easily, and more.
Plus, all Fellowes' dramas are slow burners, even Downton Abbey was a bit much at first, there were dozens of characters presented at once, nothing made much sense until episode 3 so I knew what to expect on that regard but I want to make a defense, should that be the word, of this series. Aside of minor mistakes, façades not being the right stone, streets missing small details, the show presents the age rightly, especially one that was written a lot about, and mostly from a women's feud views. The men offer the backside of this, they didn't care about their wives' issues, they make business in between each other and let them manage the social side of their lives.
The show is heavily inspired from Alva Vanderbilt's takedown on Old New York, her bid on becoming socially acceptable agains Mrs Astor's 400, the Knickerbockers. Old ways vs the new way, Americans, especially Newyorkers, finding their footing in the new order where the US was beginning to be a power in its own right, and so, then, of course, the Buccaners, the most famous 3: Minnie Stevens, Jennie Jerome, and Consuelo Vanderbilt, the first 2 ones ran away from NY due to the lack of acceptance their families had, Alva was of a sterner material, first she won at home, and then she placed Consuelo as a duchess in England. Shortly after she divorced her husband, marry the love of her life, and then became an activism for women rights, vote, etc. What a woman, ha!
I also disagree with those who refer to this as woke, luckily is not, Fellowes loves to introduce these "downstairs" stories, and it is going to be one of the lines to go, so I like that, he is also usually thorough when it comes to details, I mean, don't expect seeing Peggy marrying a Vanderbilt or an Astor, he does not play with history on that regard but there will some surprise there for sure.
I hope this one follows its course, it could run for 4 season easily, and more.