Not sure I fully understood the film, but I still enjoyed it.
19 February 2022
This was a very unique film and, while I'm not sure I fully understood it, I did find it interesting and I'm glad it was nominated in this thread. Granted, I found its plot very difficult to follow (the film might make more sense with another viewing though) and I didn't feel much of a connection towards any of the characters, but I'm also not sure that plot and character were Zulawski's main concerns. Story wise, this was a very freeform, anything goes film where the technical aspects, visuals, and mood are at the forefront. I'm not sure how much I enjoyed my time with it, but I did appreciate it to a degree and enjoyed a few aspects here and there. As I began watching the film, I noticed that none of the characters acted normal in the traditional sense. They all acted manic and, though I initially found this distracting, I eventually grew accustomed to the film's rhythms. The sudden bursts of violence and the somewhat surreal color scheme were also well-done. Overall, I don't have a lot of insights to offer on this film, but I did respect it and I'll probably check out some more of Zulawski's films in the future. Still need to watch Possession, for instance...
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