This film begins with a man by the name of "Leo" (George Skaff) being shot and killed for blackmailing a local mobster named "Carlo" (Henry Brandon). As a result, with no other living relatives, Leo leaves his massage parlor to his niece "Katie" (Cara Burgess) who is subsequently shocked to discover that it was a front for prostitution. Naturally, wanting to remedy this situation, she immediately fires the prostitutes working there and then hires two honest women named "Liz" (Judith Brown) and "Mo" (Rosalind Miles) in their place. What she doesn't realize, however, is that Carlo was getting a certain percentage of the revenue from this place and he has no interest in allowing Katie to alter this situation. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film was pretty much standard fare for the drive-in market which was desperate for cheap movies to help keep them financially afloat during this particularly difficult time. That being said, although both Judith Brown and Cara Burgess were quite appealing, neither of them were capable of overcoming the low-budget aspects of this picture and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.