Review of Gongsudo

Gongsudo (2020)
not too satisfied with it
28 January 2022
I had huge expectations but It wasn't so bad but i can't say that it's great either, I feel like it was quite cliche and some parts became boring easily because it already represented a typical ''karate kid'' type of concept and you can see in some parts that the angles of the fight scenes made some parts look so awkward and unreal, To be honest when i saw the movie i thought that it was a low budget one, and if you have seen some south korean movies/short flims on youtube, you can find ones that are made by small production films and despite not releasing it on tv production and being low budget they are still popular and they have nice story plot and character designs and development, but was pretty dissapointed on this one.

But the director really improved in the ''shark, the beginning''
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