Review of Row 19

Row 19 (2021)
No fly zone
17 April 2022
This wouldn't have happened if there was a no fly zone ... alright let me stop myself right here. Because a) you may find this joke inappropriate (sorry for that) and b) it might not make too much sense in the future - which frankly I wouldn't mind. A no fly zone can work anytime - for reasons not related to what some (many) call war.

That being said, let's get back to what is important. This is a horror movie from Russia - no pun intended, which I reckon I have to say in this time and age. It takes notes from other psychological horror movies and it does try to copy the best of them. Does not really succeed all the way through, but it still maintains to be creepy and tension filled enough to work overall ... if you let it that is. Suspension of disbelief ... with a predictable story and an ending that you probably guessed right after the movie started ... or somewhere in between (no pun intended)
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