As I write this the sequel to Top Gun is raking in hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office. Meh. I never even bothered to watch the first one and why would I when I grew up in a decade where fine films like this one were being cranked out in abundance? Nope, you can keep your homoerotic war propaganda flicks and I'll stick with the movies that really matter and, indeed, Born Killer is pure cinematic excellence, checking off most if not all the important boxes for what constitutes a REAL movie. Mindless violence? Check. Nudity? Check. Plot makes practically no sense and doesn't even try? Check. Yeah, there's a plot hole or two. Or three. Or four. But who's to say? I mean, back in those days it might have been common to leave full boxes of dynamite in old mine shafts that also had electricity, even though they were out in the middle of nowhere with no power lines. And maybe guns had bigger clips in those days, as it took the entire movie for Ted Prior's character to run out of bullets. Also, aside from dynamite, people also left full cans of gas, buckets of paint and propane tanks laying around in abandoned shacks that, for some reason, never got looted by the locals. And never mid that most escaped convicts would either run like hell or go into hiding. It could happen and who cares if it couldn't? It's fun, dumb stuff that never gets old and I'm grateful they made tons of these things back in the day, as they sure aren't making them now.