Horizon Forbidden West (2022 Video Game)
One of the best epic sci-fi series, continued
1 August 2022
Waiting five long years to roam again with Aloy in one of the most original post-apocalyptic worlds ever created was certainly worth it. Just about everything is now better, and, while it was obvious that nothing could compare with Aloy's anagnorisis from the first game, the story is still a delight for the sci-fi fan.

The world is bigger and extremely beautiful. Every time you look up, you'll see a breathtaking landscape and the new traversal options allow you to behold even more impressive scenery. The level of detail is incredible. Guerrilla have not reached exactly Rockstar's level, but the world they have created is probably the most detailed since Red Dead Redemption 2.

Combat has been improved, with a lot more options, and it generally feels more satisfying. That is, ranged combat. Melee combat... well, not so much. It is somewhat improved, but the combos are some of the worst out there. Still, taking down machines with ranged combat and traps is some massively cool action, especially since there are a ton of new machines. There are also many additions to general gameplay, most of them worthy. Climbing is still very clunky, though. "Strike" is a tabletop mini-game introduced in Forbidden West, but I don't have any opinion about it, since I haven't played it (never played Gwent or others, either, they don't have any appeal to me).

In the Forbidden West, Aloy encounters new tribes that dwell in some fascinating places, which feel much more lived-in compared to the ones in the previous game. Like the Eastern tribes, these new ones have cultures shaped not only by geography and climate, but also (mostly) by remnants of the old world. Doing side quests for the people of these tribes is always a little adventure, with some of the most intense battles. Their stories are not as interesting as the sci-fi backbone of the game, but they could make an average little science fantasy game by themselves.

The game introduces new characters that are generally more interesting or likable than those in the first game. I found myself liking some of Aloy's new friends after just a few dialogues, something that didn't happen in Zero Dawn. Also, some of Aloy's old friends are back and they are developed further, becoming slightly more interesting themselves.

Unsurprisingly, the characters who steal the show are again Aloy and Sylens. Like many characters in high-concept sci-fi, they represent ideas, which is not to say they don't feel like real people, too, because they certainly do. Both are driven by a desire for knowledge and will go to any lengths to preserve life on earth. But they also represent opposite versions of the same archetype, namely "hero scientist." Sylens is essentially a psychopath (which determines his teleological approach to saving the world), while Aloy is essentially an empath (therefore, having a deontological approach). Sylens is considerably more arrogant and unpleasant than Aloy, who has been often accused of being a Mary Sue type of character. Just like in Zero Dawn, they need each other, but stay away from each other (which is largely Sylens' fault), unless working together is the only way to achieve their goals. The contrast and dynamic between them makes this duo one of the best in gaming and sci-fi in general. If you read sci-fi, you know that characterization isn't usually its strong suit. It is, however, one of the best aspects of the Horizon series.

Another great narrative aspect is the ability of the writers at Guerrilla to add emotional depth to most scientific concepts. Sci-fi works throw mind-blowing concepts at the audience, very often in a sterile manner, devoid of emotion. Here, the story combines scientific concepts and subjective emotional experiences in a way that few other have ever managed. For instance, possibly the most emotional scene in Forbidden West is fundamentally a thought experiment on the nature vs. Nurture debate, but played out with such unexpected compassion that it had me in tears.

On the downside, we have the villains, who are not nearly as interesting in Forbidden West. They are pretty basic scum, a rather surprising fact, considering what they've been through and the resources they possess. Or maybe that's how people like them would turn out, who's to say. The fate of one villain is pretty interesting to discover, but that's about it. A significant downside, to be sure, but not one that is capable of ruining the story.

An extraordinary overall experience, Horizon Forbidden West is a fantastic second part of one of the best epic sci-fi series. The big open world is unique, extremely beautiful and extremely detailed. The combat is exhilarating, one of the best in an open world game. Not many things in life are better than going on this adventure with Aloy.
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