This was a historical lesson version of Faces of Death, the history of America's growth of violence, death, tragic events and murder. Fristly we go from the beginning the death of Kennedy, and then we jump to school murderers, i'm sure Columbine would of been in this project if this was made in 2000s, but this is before Columbine exsisted. There's also the Manson family, comparison of racism, how a black man was killing white people, and other way around. Then there was the segment of this (bar owner?) that got arrested for his crimes, so he had confess, and this cult where people had to kill themselves after the leader forced them to do so, even babies. Finally, we then jump to the killer stars, Gacy, Bundy and Kempler, how the three had their killing sprees. The ending was the death of John Lennon and his music playing which was a really unique way to end this flick. I only had a problem with the audio, it was really hard to understand what people were saying, and there was no subtitles, so that's what really pulled me down a bit, because it was hard to follow at times.
As the title of the review suggests, the movie is alive to this day, in the U. S, and we still have mass shootings up there even if this flick pointed at red dots pretty well, stating that in other countries about 15 cops die, while in USA 3000+ of them die, and that in other countries they barely have any guns, while in USA, the people living in the USA, have over millions of guns. Scary stuff, but very well made.
As the title of the review suggests, the movie is alive to this day, in the U. S, and we still have mass shootings up there even if this flick pointed at red dots pretty well, stating that in other countries about 15 cops die, while in USA 3000+ of them die, and that in other countries they barely have any guns, while in USA, the people living in the USA, have over millions of guns. Scary stuff, but very well made.