One of very few movies i walked out
14 July 2022
I saw this movie in a Mumbai Hall back in 2007 with a friend ... and by interval we were so fed up with below average acting, unfunny jokes and poor production value that we left the movie and walked out. It is only one of very few movies i had walked out of.

Don't know why we even went to see it... perhaps no other show was available that evening and we just had to see a movie. So imagine with that desperation to kill time... we still left this movie half way.

Don't waste time on this movie. I am sorry i dont remember story after all these years... but as far as i remember it was about 2 no-gooders Saif ali khan and Sanjay dutt who want to earn money. By the way both these actors looked so aged & uninterested in this movie with real terrible acting.

Given a chance, i would watch this again on my mobile just to re-visit old horrible memories :-)
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