Review of Ghost Lab

Ghost Lab (2021)
Do not waste your time watching this movie, unless you really wanna waste your time.(tw mentions of suicide)
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A 2(or 3?) hour movie that could possibly waste your time, dont give time to this movie.

The movie's plot could've been unique, two (resident) bestfriends suddenly saw the dead patient from the ER(it wasn't their patient) Then Gla decided to convince Wee (doesn't believe in ghosts) that they should scientifically prove ghosts exist. The movie lost itself when Gla committed suicide. The aftermath of his death became unrealistic. In my point of view, they should've done crap together-not leaving Wee alone who wasn't interested in the first place. How can a ghost type that often? How could a ghost break all Wee's limbs? I know this is supposed to be fictional, but it could've added a realistic factor.

The end of the movie just sum's up your emotion: What a waste of time. All things they did ended up in the bin like this movie. If Gla didn't sacrifice himself for this stupid experiment, they would've successfully proved ghosts were real! Gla knew Wee was unstable yet he put him in this type of situation. What did they both expect?

Ghost Lab also wasted a potential of bromance, which could've stirred up the movie in a positive way.
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