Sweet Revenge (2022)
Barely made it through!
16 August 2022
The premise was simple and straightforward. A guy kills a man in front of his daughters and later she gets the chance for revenge. The movie overall was just bad. It was not well thought out and the "revenge" didn't play out as it should have. The younger sister and her boyfriend sounded like they were reading from a teleprompter. The Gianna character was the best in the movie. Very pretty and played her role decently. With a few acting lessons I can see her getting better roles. The guy playing Curtis was just TOO much. He literally screamed the entire movie. Even a real "bad" guy doesn't act that crazy. Anyway, the sound effects were horrible. It was as if a 3rd grade student made the gunshot and fighting effects. I really wanted to stop watching after awhile but it was like a car wreck I couldn't look away from. I had to finish. The ending was unsatisfying. How will they explain all the dead bodies?
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