This was a little messy and overly woke, but despite the flaws it was often quite interesting and could be pretty entertaining.
24 September 2022
Season One: 7/10

Themes: Suspense, Mystery, High School, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Serial Killer, Drama, Bullying, Friendship, Drugs, Lying, Thriller, Revenge, Daddy Issues, Racism, Ballet, Mother-Daughter Relationships, Romance, Teenage Pregnancy, Lgbtq+, Scoliosis, Feminism, Movie References, Sports & Twins.

Review: This series was a little messy and overly woke, but despite the flaws it was often quite interesting and could be pretty entertaining. With this I mean to say that the plotline and characters felt a little superficial at times and it could all give off a rather awkward vibe, but somehow I was still invested enough to want to continue watching and see what would happen. And really, this series is not perfect by any means, and also not the most fun or emotional, but it was okay. It's a good watch for when you don't know what else to put on.

Top three characters: 1) Faran Bryant, 2) Kelly Beasley and 3) Imogen Adams.
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