OK until episode 7, then terrible, so only two stars, for disappointment.
30 September 2022
In the 'Killing Eve' glam-thriller ('griller' if you like) mould, a mystery girl with an incomprehensibly chaotic personal life drags an infatuated hot guy into her feud with the police, the mob and well, him - from 'The 39 Steps' to some quasi-Tarantino concept in a deliberately confusing roller-coaster ride that is all but completely explained in episode 6 of 8.

In the last two episodes TWS degenerates rapidly into a Mexican standoff melodrama that is *excruciatingly* tedious, predictable and boring. Shockingly, shockingly bad.

And I mean excruciating, episode 7 in particular. I only kept watching to see how much worse it could get. I've seen more authentic drama in an episode of 'The Lone Ranger'.

It's fun for six episodes, then it's utterly dreadful for two. A desperately bad final scene cliffhanger keeps it true to the Buck Rogers Saturday morning trash tradition. The characters aren't half as double-crossed as the viewers.
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