Savage River (2022)
Decent start... (finale update)
12 September 2022
Don't expect anything avant-garde. The story is one that's been done before so it starts out sorta cliche, basically how you'd expect people of a small town to react when somebody just comes out of prison for murder; you're just thrown in the middle of it and begins with more of character introduction. So far it's just about mediocre but interesting enough for a watch, the 'twist' at the end of the premiere episode is set to make things a little more exciting. I'm not expecting it to be a ground breaking miniseries but I'm a fan of Katherine Langford so I'm looking forward to seeing this all goes. She's more known for her American roles so it's nice to see her in an Australian series, didn't even know she was one till now. I don't have high expectations and don't think you should either if you really want to enjoy it because it probably won't live up to or eclipse other bigger productions with a similar premise of just-outta-prison, trying fit back into society stories. It doesn't seem to have a huge budget so it'll have to lean on the story a lot which is good as it should be, but on the other hand makes the show a bit matte to look at, makes the small town surroundings seem more realistic but no pizazz. Still, it's not a bad start and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Will update rating if anything drastically changes about the show.

I've finished the series now and the last two episodes were really good, turned out better than I thought it would. The show kept it's mystery and suspense really well and the twists and turns at the end were well worth the wait. The side plots are also really developed well and keeps your interest. I'd recommend a watch, starts off decent and it's a show that needs to be watched in it's entirety.
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