Another T&A movie featuring movie star(!!!!) Dani Thompson. This one seems to exist simply because of that PunTastic title and the screenplay was most likely reverse engineered from that by Thompson and director Dan Brownlie. Brownlie's filmography isn't a promising one as most of his output is poorly reviewed and apparently rather shoddy. Based on what's on show here, I can believe that. There are two types of film director; those that can do the job and those that get credited as such anyway. It doesn't take a genius to figure out which one Brownlie is. "Serial Kaller" has a plot that's paper thin and extremely familiar. A group of Internet "Babestation" type 'models' find themselves in a life threatening scenario after insulting a deranged viewer. 'Models' run, breasts jiggle, people die. The screenplay for "Serial Kaller" is less complex than that last sentence. I don't have a problem with familiar/derivative narrative set ups so long as the filmmakers have made an attempt to inject something fresh into proceedings. I want to be entertained. Do that and I don't care if it's been done before. Coast along on the fumes of a tired and well trodden formula, making absolutely no effort to stand out from the crowd and you've lost me. And...this lost me. Grab a map and a compass because I'm gone and you'll never find me.