A lot of this was cringy (get rid of that canned laughter!), but there were some jokes that landed - the ones in the trailers and especially the Tiktok one with Lopez and his ex. I thought that was really funny.
I also laughed at the kid's face when Lopez asked if he had told him the story about the man born with the body of an owl.
Unlike what another commenter said, we old folks actually know what tiktok is and there are plenty of older people who have content and quite a few followers.
Maybe the person who thinks we don't know needs to get out more (🙄)
Will I stick with this show? Maybe. I have stuck with shows who's pilot wasn't the best and the actors and characters melded over time. Also I didn't find the acting poor.
Maybe I damn with faint praise...
Let's hope this one improves. BTW, I didn't like his original show which came across, to me, as just another generic sitcom in "brownface", instead of being a unique experience of Latino culture.
I'm not Hispanic, but I'm not white either and I've watched plenty of sitcoms with mostly white characters that I thought were really funny and I really thought his show would be unique and, to me, it just wasn't.
Maybe the second time will be the charm.
I also laughed at the kid's face when Lopez asked if he had told him the story about the man born with the body of an owl.
Unlike what another commenter said, we old folks actually know what tiktok is and there are plenty of older people who have content and quite a few followers.
Maybe the person who thinks we don't know needs to get out more (🙄)
Will I stick with this show? Maybe. I have stuck with shows who's pilot wasn't the best and the actors and characters melded over time. Also I didn't find the acting poor.
Maybe I damn with faint praise...
Let's hope this one improves. BTW, I didn't like his original show which came across, to me, as just another generic sitcom in "brownface", instead of being a unique experience of Latino culture.
I'm not Hispanic, but I'm not white either and I've watched plenty of sitcoms with mostly white characters that I thought were really funny and I really thought his show would be unique and, to me, it just wasn't.
Maybe the second time will be the charm.