"Big Lebowski" wannabe stuff. Problem is it's about half as funny as the Coen Brothers down and out, black comedy classic, while the characters are twice as tiresome. Particularly irritating was Sally Kellerman. Far from falling in love with Kitty Kopetski, as did a previous reviewer, I kept hoping against hope that once Caan's Richard Kanipsia ditched her at the diner she'd stay ditched. And Peter Boyle's performance is a veritable treatise on over reaching for humor that is not there. Caan makes the wise choice to under play it and thus emerges relatively unscathed and Richard B Shull and Alan Garfield have brief moments of glorious schlub-dom but, all in all, this film is a dreary, sour assemblage of dreary, sour people. Certainly expected more from screenwriter Rick Richter, whose "Body Snatchers 75" pulled off the neat trick of being terrifying and risible in equal measure, than lame riffs on Polish-ness and a greed parable that is of interest to no one. And the music, as if to overcompensate for the inadequacy of Richter's screenplay, is way too cute and intrusive. Give it a C plus.