Any 80-90 Miami vice or even Acapulco heat episode has better acting. Cant understand why such pros like Willis and Travolta did not give any advice for director or writer. Maybe they are more tired than Nicolas Cage.
Hawaii nature ahots did not save those bad dialogues, that dond fit no cinema, no theater stage - too flat. No right emotion. Bachground music fits more of robin hood or dragon and dungeon scenery, but not Hawaii.
Every second scene is out of logic. If you have drug lord in custody and stand before 20 of his goons aiming at you. You dont drop him, but use him as a live shield. BAD.
Hawaii nature ahots did not save those bad dialogues, that dond fit no cinema, no theater stage - too flat. No right emotion. Bachground music fits more of robin hood or dragon and dungeon scenery, but not Hawaii.
Every second scene is out of logic. If you have drug lord in custody and stand before 20 of his goons aiming at you. You dont drop him, but use him as a live shield. BAD.