A vulgar , simple and plain comedy written and directed by prolific Alfonso paso
11 October 2022
Dated and corny comedy by Alfonso Paso , including a good but really wasted support cast . Below average comedy boasts a nice main cast , such as : Antonio Garisa , Enriqueta Carballeira , Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, Maria Luisa San José. It deals with Juan Fernández (Antonio Garisa vehicle), director of a bank branch, happily married to Paulina (Milagros Pérez de León) and they have only girls . But he is really desperate since all his offspring are women and he usually prays to have a male baby . With the illusion of having a child , he even becomes unfaithful to his wife with a widow (Florinda Chico) who has only had boys.

This is one of the worst filmed , most absurd and reactionary adaptations of the Alfonso Paso's plays . The title ¨Vamos por la parejita (1969) in spanish argot , is "ir por la parejita" , that's why attempting to have a couple of children, girl and boy , a wish wanted by most Spanish marriages . Regularly-performed , though including some notorious actors , it is handicapped because the protagonists are too idiot as well as inverosimil and for the ridiculous incidents showing up here and there , like show the fact of having daughters as a punishment. Antonio Garisa gives a sympathetic acting as Juan Fernández Arriaga, a typicall spanish man fifty years ago who only has women as daughters and he attempts to have a boy to give him his surname "Fernández". The film is an Antonio Garisa recital , as he laughs , shouts , look at camera , stooges , makes acrobatics , tongue twister and puts faces and grimaces . Garisa is one of the best actors of Spanish Comedy, maybe too understimate because he made rancid and ancient films during Francoist government, a kind of cinema in which the implausible and graceless comedies predominated . A pity that this great comic actor Antonio Garisa lost his talent in leading this disconcerting comedy. After his first initial acting period , Antonio Garisa played support roles and along the way he made some starring characters , such as : Los extremeños se tocan (1970) , La Verde Doncella , La Cesta , El Padrino y sus Ahijadas , Vamos a por la parejita , but he mostly played secondary roles , such as : Torrejon City ,La reina del Chantecler , Dulcinea, Eva! ¿Qué hace ese hombre en tu cama? Estimado Sr. Juez.. , La Venganza de Don Mendo, Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor , La vendedora de ropa interior , Los embarazados , ¿Dónde estará mi niño? , Hijos de papá , Cuando los niños vienen de Marsella and many others . He's well accompanied by a familiar cast , such as Emilio Gutiérrez Caba as a lazy and hippie young who got pregnant Garisa's daughter , Enriqueta Carballeira, Milagros Pérez de León , José María Luisa San José , Miguel del Castillo , Francisco Camoiras , Manuel Tejada , Fabián Conde, Ricardo Tundidor and special apearances for the always great Rafaela Aparicio and Florinda Chico .

This very forgettable and embarrassing motion picture was lousily written and directed by Alfonso Paso , deemed to be the most prolific writer of the Francoist period . He was a popular playwright who wrote more than 120 plays . At the beginning he was screenwriter for Juán Antonio Bardem in Felices Pascuas , Antonio Del Amo in Sierra maldita , Eugenio Martin in Despedida de soltero , and José Maria Forqué in De espaldas a la puerta and El Secreto de Monica . Alfonso writes a lot of plays , subsequently adapted on screen , such as : Vamos a contar mentiras , Hay alguien detrás de la puerta , Usted puede ser un asesino , Cena de matrimonios , Los derechos de la mujer and the successful Enseñar a un sinvergüenza . Later on , he debuts as an actor and filmmaker , directing titles as : Vamos a por la perejita , Los extremeños se tocan , Celos amor y mercado común , Ligue story , La otra residencia , among others . Rating : 3.5/10 . Below average and a complete boredom.
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