Soole was much anticipated due to the hysterical trailer and characters on the bus, but the weak production and graphic details sadly discouraged us from completely enjoying this movie
Delicious -The different characters on this bus really enriched the narrative; they all had their own mischievous, mysterious, and loud personalities -Pastor Oko (Ikponmwosa Gold) was our man 😁 He was so money-oriented and didn't hesitate to contradict himself with the Word of God. And that prayer!!! Justina (Meg Otanwa) also stole the show for us. Anyone watching Soole will remember her -Definitely what we got from Soole was 'don't judge a book by its cover'
Bland -The production was very regrettable because it could have taken Soole to different dimensions. The uncontrolled lighting during the daytime scenes was highly noticeable, the cinematographer didn't guide the camera with purpose, and sound engineering was poor -The comedy aspect appeared quite forced and overdone by the actors. There were a lot of tantrums during the bus ride that kept on lagging and lagging with no hilarious lines -The level of perversion demonstrated in the film was very uncalled for. Pure comedy can be achieved without being sexual.
Delicious -The different characters on this bus really enriched the narrative; they all had their own mischievous, mysterious, and loud personalities -Pastor Oko (Ikponmwosa Gold) was our man 😁 He was so money-oriented and didn't hesitate to contradict himself with the Word of God. And that prayer!!! Justina (Meg Otanwa) also stole the show for us. Anyone watching Soole will remember her -Definitely what we got from Soole was 'don't judge a book by its cover'
Bland -The production was very regrettable because it could have taken Soole to different dimensions. The uncontrolled lighting during the daytime scenes was highly noticeable, the cinematographer didn't guide the camera with purpose, and sound engineering was poor -The comedy aspect appeared quite forced and overdone by the actors. There were a lot of tantrums during the bus ride that kept on lagging and lagging with no hilarious lines -The level of perversion demonstrated in the film was very uncalled for. Pure comedy can be achieved without being sexual.