I see the narrow minded, poorly read, zero imagination, thinking only inside the box, ego centric half wits have come out in droves to flaunt their ignorance. If you posted a review because you've done this climb and the
Movie is not accurate, than a) take a hike and b) no one cares. You're better off watching a MasterClass video by that crazy free climbing Alex guy. Or log on to Udemy and sate your appetite for non growth on some pack organization tutorials.
This is a story about perseverance you imbeciles. It's not a how-to on ascending Mt Washington. There's a concept called poetic license that has clearly gone over a lot of heads.
There's a lot going on in this film if you care to look. I like to think that the characters of Pam and John, though real in person, are thematically one person each representing a different side of ourselves. The one that has real fears and feels the pain of life, the other that strives to survive. And the infinite storm is really just the struggles we all face in our inexorable search to make it home.
This is a story about perseverance you imbeciles. It's not a how-to on ascending Mt Washington. There's a concept called poetic license that has clearly gone over a lot of heads.
There's a lot going on in this film if you care to look. I like to think that the characters of Pam and John, though real in person, are thematically one person each representing a different side of ourselves. The one that has real fears and feels the pain of life, the other that strives to survive. And the infinite storm is really just the struggles we all face in our inexorable search to make it home.