Dead End
17 December 2022
As this Polish series opens a man, who appears to be injured, robs a bank. We then see single father Leon and his daughter Dianka; she has been in trouble at school and suddenly announces she is pregnant... he decides they will go to the Czech Republic, where she can get a legal abortion. To help pay for the trip they take two passengers with them. They stop off at a petrol station shortly before the robber arrives in an identical car. A mix-up leaves the group setting off in the wrong car... should they return to the garage or keep the two million zloty they find in the boot? As the series progresses we learn more about the characters' backstories through flashbacks.

I thought this was rather fun. With only six half hour episodes it certainly doesn't outstay its welcome. The concept is simple enough and provides plenty of laughs as well as drama. The humour can be somewhat dark in tone; early on Dianka enjoys telling the passengers that her father is planning to murder them. There is some violence, this includes some that is mildly disturbing; there is also some sex and nudity. The cast does a solid job throughout. Overall a fun little series that I'd recommend... if you don't enjoy it you won't waste much time.

These comments are based on watching the series in Polish with English subtitles.
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