Overly stereotypical, repetitive and marginally passable
27 December 2022
I watched this in one go during vacation. The series does have high and low points, but it is annoyingly repetitive in regard to older series and generally stereotypical in regard to other anime. They recycled the standard model to death, and good part of the series is sort of fan service that I really don't see any point to. The main protagonists are effectively promoted to demigods: they always survive, always triumph, etc. It is just annoying. And they always carry their set of emotional baggage that is kind of ridiculous. They are trained killers that have killed gazillion of other people. If anything, they would have a serious cases of PTSD. To endure that, they would have to have serious walls around their psyche to cope with that.

As for the animation goes, it is passable, but not "good". It certainly doesn't have that magic of earlier series, and as the animation is 3D, walk and general movement and behavior is awkward. You can even track repetitive errors in movement.

All in all, you can watch this as a light entertainment. Don't expect anything close to the original series.
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