This was all style and zero substance. What is the point of creating something 104 mins long with a story than could've been told in 5-10 minutes? Yes, we get it, co-writer and director Seth A Smith has a creative imagination, and even with a low budget using rubber tubes, red light bulbs and sheet metal can create visually appealing set pieces, but at least add some substance to the horrendously slow pacing and lack of any narrative in your writing. And for what little narrative there was, it was riddled with plot holes, ridiculous context, unconvincing scenarios, and incoherent, long dragged out scenes. Even the dialogue was infantile and gave no reason to care about the characters or there scenarios. There is nothing substantial to hold a viewers attention fort more than 5 minutes at a time, where you'll get bored, and fast-forward to the next long, boring and dragged out scene. Repeat for 104 minutes, with no reward throughout nor at the end. This may have been watchable as a short film, but watching paint dry is more exciting than sitting through this shallow empty story. It's a generous 3/10 from me, all for the decent score and cinematography.