My rating logic: "10" for CGI, "4" for the script. (10+4)/2= "7"
I've been on to this before it hit Netflix. After seeing it, I felt frustrated by the script. They could've fleshed out the story if they cut the VO in the beginning and add 20 mins of ground laying and threat intro. I saw the 2 deleted scenes from One Cool Film YouTube channel before watching the film. I preferred those 2 scenes over the VO. It makes more narrative sense. Now it feels like I'm only watching only Act 2 & 3 of the film. Because of that, the emotional scenes and sense of urgency all fell flat. There were times I felt like I should feel be sad, worried, or a feel a certain way, but I just can't because I don't know these characters. Mind you, Act 1 is just a VO. The only one whom the audience knows more about was Louis Koo's Tyler, but that he couldn't shine because the time was ticking. In short, they handle the characters and stakes like how they did in Morbius: the story fell flat because the creators cheaped out on Act 1. Then, everything came after that missed.
I heard this version was cut down to pass China government's film board and to preserve the fast pace action-flick momentum. So, I really do hope One Cool Film will release a director's cut because the 2 deleted scenes (slow-paced and ground laying) was excellent. I want to see these slow-pace scenes in the movie!
The deleted scenes (sorry, can't post the links)
1) Soldiers badged into a fenced community, went up a steel ladder. In a dry and dusty apt, a dehydrated youth was building a model-size Xmas tree from metal scraps. The youth (turn out wearing a leg brace on one leg) ran out with large empty containers after hearing water announcement. The mass gathered. Rationed water was given through coordinated rainfall. The meteor hit. Giants vines grew, wreaking the the buildings and fenced community.
2) The professor blankly stared out the window of the helicopter seeing the buildings and skynets. "Mankind is really absurd. Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind used 200 years to get the Earth sick. Then, mankind wanted to use 10 or more years to cure it. In the end, nothing was solved. We only ended up making dozens of fishbowls to trap ourselves inside." The professor leaned closer to the window. "I think Pandora is God's gift to us. A chance for mankind."
Scene closes up in the female commander. "The only thing I believe is that I believe in nothing. My responsibility is to ensure that no matter what the circumstances are, there's always plan B." The music starts rolling.
The professor turned to the female commander, looking concern. "What's plan B?" The female commander looked back at him. Scene cut to helicopters flying into B-16 area, probably heading to the base.
Good things:
CGI was excellent! Couldn't believe something like this was done by a Hong Kong production company. It's a great CGI portfolio. I want to see them participating in making Gundam or similar franchises. Hey, Hollywood maybe you can hire them to do your CGIs.
I've been on to this before it hit Netflix. After seeing it, I felt frustrated by the script. They could've fleshed out the story if they cut the VO in the beginning and add 20 mins of ground laying and threat intro. I saw the 2 deleted scenes from One Cool Film YouTube channel before watching the film. I preferred those 2 scenes over the VO. It makes more narrative sense. Now it feels like I'm only watching only Act 2 & 3 of the film. Because of that, the emotional scenes and sense of urgency all fell flat. There were times I felt like I should feel be sad, worried, or a feel a certain way, but I just can't because I don't know these characters. Mind you, Act 1 is just a VO. The only one whom the audience knows more about was Louis Koo's Tyler, but that he couldn't shine because the time was ticking. In short, they handle the characters and stakes like how they did in Morbius: the story fell flat because the creators cheaped out on Act 1. Then, everything came after that missed.
I heard this version was cut down to pass China government's film board and to preserve the fast pace action-flick momentum. So, I really do hope One Cool Film will release a director's cut because the 2 deleted scenes (slow-paced and ground laying) was excellent. I want to see these slow-pace scenes in the movie!
The deleted scenes (sorry, can't post the links)
1) Soldiers badged into a fenced community, went up a steel ladder. In a dry and dusty apt, a dehydrated youth was building a model-size Xmas tree from metal scraps. The youth (turn out wearing a leg brace on one leg) ran out with large empty containers after hearing water announcement. The mass gathered. Rationed water was given through coordinated rainfall. The meteor hit. Giants vines grew, wreaking the the buildings and fenced community.
2) The professor blankly stared out the window of the helicopter seeing the buildings and skynets. "Mankind is really absurd. Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind used 200 years to get the Earth sick. Then, mankind wanted to use 10 or more years to cure it. In the end, nothing was solved. We only ended up making dozens of fishbowls to trap ourselves inside." The professor leaned closer to the window. "I think Pandora is God's gift to us. A chance for mankind."
Scene closes up in the female commander. "The only thing I believe is that I believe in nothing. My responsibility is to ensure that no matter what the circumstances are, there's always plan B." The music starts rolling.
The professor turned to the female commander, looking concern. "What's plan B?" The female commander looked back at him. Scene cut to helicopters flying into B-16 area, probably heading to the base.
Good things:
CGI was excellent! Couldn't believe something like this was done by a Hong Kong production company. It's a great CGI portfolio. I want to see them participating in making Gundam or similar franchises. Hey, Hollywood maybe you can hire them to do your CGIs.