Barbarian (2022)
This movie starts so well, why does it hve to fall apart?
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has A LOT of positive traits. The plot is interesting and there are some genuinely scary details in it. Unfortunately the plot is also very scattered, some of the choice do not make sense and the further the plot developers, the weirder it all gets.

The beginning is actually very good. You don't know what is going on, it's fascinating to find out what is going on. The acting is great, Bill Skarsgård is one of my favorite actor and it was a nice surprise to see him in this. But when Justin Long comes to the picture, the plot loses the intense feeling and the threat. Long's character is way over the top and all the way through his character and intentions do not make sense. They force this #MeToo plot point in the story and it bring the story down quite a bit.

There are some genuine scary moments in this, and even though I am a horror addict and seen some scary stuff, this movie manages to frighten me a few times. If they had managed to keep the story more coherent and intact, it would've been a better experience.

The last 20 minutes are just bad. I have heard some bad things about American cops but in this movie they do not seem even human and it's weird. The water tower scene is actually bad and Justin Long's character ruins it for good.

It's very frustrating to see great potential in something and then see it wasted. First half is a solid 8 and the second half is 5 at best. It's 6,5 average, but I'm lowering in to 6 because of the wasted potential.
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