Review of Elizaveta

Elizaveta (2022)
This is a series for people who have never read books.
8 February 2023
This series is delirium. The people who wrote the script for this "masterpiece" never studied in high school? The era of Peter I is well studied, as is the rule of his successors. It is rich and interesting with events. Why invent non-existent facts?

There has never been a conflict between Catherine and Elizabeth.

The testament of Peter 1 never existed! The severed head of the favorite of Mons on a platter served on the table to Catherine? Seriously?

The acting of the female lead is terrible.

Translation into Russian: Bred sivoj kobyly. Ljudi pisavshie scenarij dlja jetoj "kinoopupei" nikogda ne uchilis' v shkole? Jepoha Petra I horosho izuchena kak i pravlenie ego preemnikov. Ona bogata i interesna. Zachem pridumyvat' nesushhestvujushhie fakty? Kakoe zaveshhanie Petra? Otkuda otrublennaja golova Monsa na bljude?

Akterskaja igra ispolnitel'nicy glavnoj roli uzhasna.
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