Atomic Heart (2023 Video Game)
A Fantastic and Awesome FPS Game
24 February 2023
After eagerly waiting 5 years for this to come out, Atomic Heart has finally released. While I haven't finished the game, I've made solid progress, and will update my review once I finish it, but I can't see the game getting any worse. The combat is fantastic. It packs a punch, and requires fast reflexes, and lots of situational awareness. Once you get your dodge timings right, the combat starts to feel like a dance. It becomes incredibly smooth and you'll start swapping from abilities to guns, to melee weapons in no time. Each aspect of the combat compliments each other and creates an amazing experience. The visuals are stunning. The art direction is incredibly unique and unlike anything we've seen before. The graphics are INSANE and every location of the game will have you stop for a minute just to admire the scenery. One big complaint I've seen is the open world. The specific complaint being about the endless robots that will try to kill you. I understand this complaint, but there is a way around it. Just look up how to stop the robots from being repaired, and you'll find a guide in no time. The game doesn't directly explain it to you, but you can disable all the robots for a pretty long time, letting you explore to your heart's content. The story is really well done and very entertaining. There are moments where you might think the story is slowing down, but it picks right up and reengages you instantly. The main character talks A LOT and while many will find him annoying, I personally think he is hilarious, and I always enjoy his dialogue. The looting is very satisfying, and the crafting is great too. The soundtrack is also fantastic with some just awesome songs. Overall, even if the game becomes worse as I keep playing, I highly recommend this game. Check it out on Gamepass, and if you like it, please buy the game instead of just playing on Game Pass. The developers are being hated for no reason, and many are trying to boycott the game. Their reasoning is all wrong, but they refuse to accept that fact. If you have the money, please support the developers!

(EDIT) Now that I have finished the game, and completed all of the side objectives, my score stays the game. The story is great, and the reveals at the end are shocking, but don't feel forced and they didn't feel like it came out of nowhere. All of the reveals are things you could have guessed from reading in-game emails, and playing close attention to the dialogue. The ending is very open ended, and the announcement of a sequel and DLCS makes a lot of sense. The final boss is hard, but a lot of fun. Just such a fantastic game.
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